
Understanding Empathy: Inside Kiin’s Revolutionary VR Training Process

Virtual Reality

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes?

At Kiin, this concept is at the core of our mission. Through a groundbreaking approach using the embodiment technique and leveraging decades of research in neuroscience and virtual reality, we’re crafting immersive experiences that allow individuals to step into someone else’s life for approximately 20 minutes.

This transformative experience is designed to alter perspectives and evoke genuine empathy by enabling individuals to inhabit the body of another person and directly encounter the challenges faced by individuals different from themselves.

A white employee can transform into Tolani, a young black woman, during a work meeting, genuinely experiencing everything she undergoes. An abuser can inhabit the skin of their victim. A police officer, for the first time, can feel what it’s like to be a young black individual facing discrimination and threats during a police interrogation. 

These experiences are revolutionary, capable of generating empathy in ways impossible through traditional means of learning.

But how do we design these experiences? In this post, we’ll delve into Kiin’s process for crafting lifelike experiences built upon real situations and stories lived by real people.

Brainstorming sessions

We collect personal stories and experiences directly from individuals with firsthand knowledge of the subject matter. Accessing insights straight from the source ensures an authentic portrayal, and there’s no substitute for learning from those who have directly lived through the experiences we aim to convey.

These brainstorming sessions provide a judgment-free environment where individuals can freely express their uncensored thoughts, feelings, and experiences, allowing them to share their truth in their own words.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Follow-Up Questionnaires

After the initial brainstorming sessions, participants receive a follow-up questionnaire. This reflective format prompts them to provide more detailed accounts of impactful life events, challenges faced, experienced interactions, and personal anecdotes.

These confidential questionnaires encourage deeper self-expression, unveiling the lived realities of individuals.

Collaboration with experts

Once we gather raw and unfiltered narratives from individuals, we closely collaborate with partners from relevant non-profits, advocacy organizations, and charities specializing in these issues. Experts provide vital context about systemic factors, data, and research to enrich perspectives.

Kiin leverages their on-the-ground knowledge to identify key themes and patterns, shaping the final module content to present a comprehensive picture of the subject matter.


The culmination of this extensive collaborative process yields immersive training content that resonates deeply at a profoundly human level. Users gain insight into the challenges and emotions experienced by different groups, resulting in the development of genuine empathy.

By showcasing real people’s true experiences, Kiin’s training remains ingrained long after the module ends, effectively reshaping attitudes in a way no textbook can.

Embrace Empathy Firsthand

Keen to experience the transformative power of authentic DEI training? and step into a world where understanding transcends mere knowledge and becomes an intrinsic part of reality.

Request a demo today and discover how DiVRse can transform your organization.

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