Is VR training worth the hype? Part 2: Immersive learning

In part 1 of this blog, we walked you through a powerful tool that only VR training can facilitate: embodiment. Here, we look into some of the benefits of VR training as a tool for immersive learning.

What are the advantages of immersive learning?

Put simply, VR’s second benefit is that it immerses learners in a virtual world that’s self-contained, interactive and safe. This has a few advantages:

  • Show, don’t tell: By letting experience be your teacher, you’re effectively learning through practice. If you want to know how your communication style actually comes across, seeing it first-hand from another’s perspective can be quite powerful. 
  • Curated worlds: Virtual worlds can be tailor-made to resonate with your organisational environment. This includes:
    • The space itself: indoor, oil rigs, cubicles, branding elements
    • The characters: Appearance, accents, languages etc), 
    • More nuanced factors that impact learning: sound, context-setting, mindset design and lighting
  • Safety: VR training allows you to take situations that are normally unpredictable, tense or consequential – an altercation, a workplace argument, a case of marginalisation – and transform them into powerful moments for unconscious learning. And, having trained your team to manage such situations well, you reduce their odds of arising in real life.

Concluding thoughts: (How) can VR work for you?

All in all, VR’s immersivity means that a few minutes in VR training can convey complex ideas that’d take weeks or longer to truly appreciate in video, text or lecture form. 

But can it fit into the specific needs, goals and challenges of your organisation? Based on decades of research and through our commercial engagement, we’ve become experts in designing and deploying trainings in areas such as:

If VR training seems like a good fit for your organisation, you can book a call with us to see how we can work with you. We’re pretty confident that our expertise and leadership in the industry can help us bring you an experience that’s seamless, powerful and, above all, deeply human.